2009 Agenda With Reminder Stickers, $28
Admit it, the Moleskine looks a bit bland compared to this humorous Jack Spade agenda. So why not start the coming New Year with a planner that will make you chuckle every time you take it out of your bag? I can relate to the Mr. Zebra as well when I'm on my way to work.

Merino Moustache Gloves, $95
Brave the cold like a man with these unexpected moustache gloves. You'll be getting a lot of funny looks and smiles when you walk down the street while holding your cup of coffee.

Grain Leather I Buy/You Buy Dice Set With Case, $55
The next time a co-worker asks you out to lunch, don't forget to bring this utterly useless but totally cool dice set. And when it's time to pay, you'll figure out that they're not so useless after all. Just hope that it lands on
You Buy.